Click here to download our full 2023-2024 calendar, including dates of special events.
Check our Facebook page for updates on closures due to sickness or weather.
Zazen (sitting meditation) + dharma discussion
7:30 - 8:30pm (doors lock at 7:25, please arrive early)
In the side chapel of Mount Vernon FCUCC, 200 North Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio
First Tuesday of the Month
Zazen (sitting meditation) + formal service
7:30 - 8:30pm (doors lock at 7:25, please arrive early)
In the side chapel of Mount Vernon FCUCC, 200 North Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio
First Saturday of the Month
Especially geared towards those new to Zen or meditation
9:20 Doors open
9:30 Introductory meditation instruction
9:45 Zazen/seated meditation
10:00 Walking meditation
10:10 Zazen/seated meditation
10:25-10:50 Teaching and Q&A
In the side chapel of Mount Vernon FCUCC, 200 North Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio
Annual Special Events
New year’s relinquishment and renewal ceremony (early January)
Buddha's birthday half-day sit and service (around April 8)
Rohatsu five-day evening zazen and Bodhi holiday party (around December 8)
Dates, times, and locations may vary; check the yearly calendar linked to at the top of this page and contact us for details